I am always looking for easy craft projects to do with Cameron. Coloring keeps his attention for like five minutes and he doesn't really care for stickers, stamps, etc so it always has to be something I have to help him with because he is into sissors and glue. Having infant twins and daycare kids three days a week makes it hard for me to sit down with him to do more in depth art projects. Last week I was trying to figure out what I could do with all my old Parenting magazines, and I had an idea; an everything Cameron like picture. He flipped through magazines with me and looked for thing she likes and I would cut them out and we glued them on paper. He always got so excited when he found something he liked....especially chicken nuggets and nutella (I no longer give him Nutella though because of the sugar). We had a lot of fun, and the best part of it was, it wasn't messy and it didn't take long!
my fave is "do the potty dance" lol